Saturday, December 03, 2011

First Love

I can't believe I am actually writing about my first love. It has been FOR-E-VER (Sandlot quote) since I have talked to him. I did a little cyberstalking and got this pic off his wife's facebook (no I am not friends with her, but I am friends with his sister and she has his wife linked to her. Confused yet). His name is Geoffery Ethan Anderson. He is 31 (same age as me) birtdhay May 13 (sad that I still remember huh?!).
So you want to hear the whole dirty story? Ok. I'll give you the short and condensed version. Met him my senior year of high school doing a church play (his girlfriend at the time convinced him to be in it). We had a dance scene together and ended up playing a game to see who could hurt the other person more during the dance. After the play was over, he disced his current girlfriend and started dating me. We had been dating for 3 months before we admitted to being in love with each other. We went to BYU together the next year and spent our freshman year there together. That Christmas we decided we wanted to get married, so I got a promise ring. He then went on a mission for my church. For one whole year (the mission thing is 2 years long) we wrote faithfully and all was well. Then, for some unknown reason to me (never found out) he started writing weird and not soo nice letters. Finally, I gave up on the idea of marrying him and decided to serve a mission of my own. When I found out where I was going, I wrote him and told him and that was the last contact I had with him. When I got back (a year and a half later) an old friend of mine and his contacted me and in the course of our conversation I found out he had gotten married. Nice of him to tell me. Anywho, the above picture is of him and his beautiful family. I think they have 3 kids now, but not sure. I was young, but we were really in love!! I am glad that we each found happiness in our own ways!!!

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