Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Moon or Bust!!! Oh and to see my sister too!!

The weekend before Thanksgiving the movie New Moon came out!! I know a bunch of you are rolling your eyes and sighing right now at the mention of such a movie, but Brendon, Breanna, and I made it a deal and a tradition to go see the midnight showing of all the Twilight movies when they each came out. Brendon is serving a mission, so Nana and I were the ones that were in charge of carrying on the torch.!!
We actually didn't end up going until 12:40 am, but close enough. Too bad the theater we went to was EXTREMELY SMALL!!! And because of the number of people, we ended up being some of the last in the theater and couldn't find 2 seats together except for the first row left side, so we would have had kinks in our necks. They had an area in the middle to put wheelchairs. Since Nana and I had a blanket, we put it on the floor and watched the movie from the floor. Hey. We paid to get a good seat to see the movie!! The movie was AWESOME!!! Soo much better than Twilight. There was a couple there that dressed up like Bella and Edward and looked pretty close to the real things (contacts and all). My little sister has a shot of them. We also had people wearing the red contacts too. It was way fun!!

I also went to see my little sister in a dance she was performing. The senior dance majors have to coreograph a dance and teach it to people for their final project. Nana found out about it and was in a contemporary dance (at least I think that's what it was). I videotaped the whole thing on my phone, but my phone sound is busted so I only have the video with no sound!! Oops. Nana did GREAT!! My favorite dances were a 50's contemporary about leaving and a time one that was rough contemporary. Didn't quite understand the video dance. Weird!!!

On Saturday, we drove my sister-in-law to the airport and then went go visit my brother and family up in Kaysville and help them decorate for the holidays (they are getting a head start since my sister-in-law is pregnant and has complications). I have some of the most adorable nephews. Mccoy just climed into a pile of leaves and sat there for a little while. Had to get a pic.
Then he went inside and climbed behind their couch and was looking out the window at us!! He looked lik a prison inmate wanting out!!
That night, after Breanna's performance, Kelby, Nana and I went to a movie at the $1 theater (oh what I would give to have one here in Mesa). We couldn't decide (literally. We spent 20 minutes arguing about it and entertaining the ticket clerk), so finally I got to decide so we watched Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. It was a vampire weekend. Nana wasn't too thrilled about it, so afterwards, her and I made a midnight Wal-Mart run and then watched The Proposal. All in all, it was a much needed and happy weekend!!!

1 comment:

The Sorensen Bunch said...

bella...will you marry me? kah!
BTW- Coltons choir is for the WHOLE school...that is a 6th grader that is taller than him...ha ha ha