Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

My sister posts on her blog some of the crazy things that her kids say. I have been privy to be there when they have said some doozies themselves. Here they be:

Doing a school project making slides with pictures that begin with certain letters for elementary school age kids.
Amberlyn: "Hey boys. What are some words that begin with the letter A?"
Ryland: "Oh I know. GOAT!!!"

After playing a game with the 3 boys, Sterling lost and was really upset.
Amberlyn: "Sterling. It's okay to loose. Aunt Amberlyn looses all the time. We can't always win."
Sterling (through tears): "I didn't loose. The scriptures say that the losers shall be winners and the winners shall be losers. So I won!"
Um, I don't think he quite understood what that scripture meant!!!

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