Friday, July 24, 2009

Colorado Rockies and In the Buff!!

In February of this year, my brother, his wife, and 3 little boys took a trip to Colorado. My brother graduated from Colorado University in Boulder Colorado in like 2000 or something like that. Anywho, while he attended school there he was in an acapella group called In the Buff. They were named this because the school mascot was a buffalo. They didn't actually sing in the buff (although the guys at the concert said they would if they got enough money for it!! Hehehe). Well, this group has a reunion every 5 years, or something like that, and this year was the 15th Anniversary. My brother decided to go, but wanted to bring his family. They had lots of parties and dinners at night so he couldn't go with his wife and leave his 2 young children at the hotel alone. Thus, they paid for me to fly out to Utah and drive to Colorado with them to babysit their kids. And I was GLAD to do it!! I love vacations!! Too bad it was snowy and freezing there, but well worth the trip.

(The view of Bolder from the mountains)
(more pretty Boulder)
(And even more Boulder)
(The boys in the hotel room)

We had fun doing lots of planned and unplanned activities. We got to hear Chad sing his solo (Mony Mony) in the archway (an outdoor walk way with great acoustics) with his old group and a bunch of other songs. We were just grateful that they didn't strip down during one of their songs which Beth said they did. Yikes. The other members had fun partying until 4 am everyday right outside our hotel room!! It was fun for us!! Luckily, the boys slept through everything!! We took tours of Boulder and went to the library and other fun places. We ate a fabulous Mexican place (you'll have to ask Chad the name of it, but it tasted soo good) and watched Chad play in a football game with the other In the Buff boys in which he sprained his ankle or foot or something. It's the Hutchings curse. And we got to go swimming in an indoor pool (which was quite an adventure for me as I forgot my suit and didn't have money to buy a new one, so I bought shorts and went swimming in shorts and a white t-shirt. It was very interesting!!). We jammed our days with fun things to do!!
(McCoy and I watching Chad play football. I had to hold his hands down cause he kept trying to take my hat off his head)
(The indoor swimming complex)

The highlight of the trip was the concert that was put on by this years In the Buff crew which involved having all of the members who came for the reunion coming up and singing some old songs with them. Chad was having a blast!! The best part of the concert was the contest I got to be in. They had me and 2 other guys from the audience come up and have a race. We had to run from one end of the stage to the other and be the first to finish a caramel covered apple to win a free In the Buff t-shirt. Well I ran my little heart out and took a big bite of the apple to only find out that it was a caramel covered onion. I told the this with my mouth full of onion and then continued to eat the onion thinking I had to finish it to get the t-shirt. The members of In the Buff started laughing and said I didn't have to finish it, so then I had to spit it out into a napkin!! It was disgusting, but I was comic relief for everyone!! And I did get my t-shirt!! So although I think it made me sick the next day, I am glad I did it.

(The whole gang singing. Chad is in the front row, right hand side wearing the red shirt)
(Chad's in the red shirt. Sorry it's soo blurry)(Chad singing his guts out)

Yep!! On the ride home I was sick the whole time (I think the car ride is like 12 hours or something). I woke up that morning with diarrhea and feeling nauseous, but I thought it would go away, but it didn't!! I took some pepto bismal early in the morning and continued to feel nauseous the whole trip, having to have Chad pull over multiple times thinking I was going to barf (which I never did). It wasn't until we stopped for dinner that I barfed up all the pepto bismal (cause I didn't have anything else in my stomach to barf up). I actually barfed it up in a cup in the car. Not my finest moment. I was sitting next to Kayden when it happened and he didn't say a word. I felt better after that. Not nauseous, but not well, just stable. When we got back to Chad's house I felt really hot, so I took some aspirin thinking I had a fever and that did the trick. I felt completely okay the next day!!
(My last day with the boys and after getting over being sick. Their true characters come out in pictures)

So, except for the day of misery, my 4 day trip to Colorado was a BLAST and unforgettable!!

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