Saturday, November 15, 2008

YES on 8!!

As many of you know, here in California during the elections we got to vote on a proposition about same sex marriage. In 2000 Californians voted to define marriage as between a man and woman. 4 judges overturned that law and allowed same sex marriage. Proposition 8 was an amendment to the state constitution redefining marriage as between a man and woman (although it was not worded like that on the ballot). The church couldnt officially back up the proposition but they asked the members here to donate money and time. Since I had no money I donated time. The YSA wards were put in charge of going door to door to get a count of how many people were voting yes and how many were voting no and if they didn't know anything to educate them on what a change in the law would mean to everyone. After the door to door approach we got to make phone calls. It was kind of intimidating, but good to get out there and talk to people. Most people were really nice and offered support. You did get the occasional few who yelled at you, but that's to be expected. Well, after the vote we had a ward party to celebrate the vote being done, and then we waited anxiously to see what the outcome was. IT PASSED!! The final was 52% to 48% so it was close, but it won!! That doesn't mean there hasn't been a lot of after math. Before the voting was over a group for no on prop 8 put out a commercial depicting 2 mormon missionaries (not real ones of course, but they used our name all the same) going to a same sex couple house, telling them they were there to take away their rights, taking their wedding rings, and ripping up their marriage liscence. It was extremely disheartening and disappointing!! After it was over a man who is the director of Music Circus here (a huge theatrical company) was put on the line. He is a member and donated over a $1,ooo to the yes on prop 8 campaign. Because of this, other theatrical companies called Music Circus and said they would no longer support Music Circus if they kept this man as the director. Music Circus wanted to keep him, but to keep the peace this man resigned!! There have also been multiple law suits already filed!! It is truly a sign that the last days are coming!! "For men shall be lovers of their own selves..." 2 Timothy 3:2. Continue to pray for us in California!! This is far from over!!

1 comment:

The Sorensen Bunch said...

I kinda feel bad for that guy who had to resign. I know he made a different choice and supported against the very thing that holds us together...but I am not sure he deserves to lose his job over it. GO PROP 8-you guys are going to have to take some serious heat for it still--get your groove on!