Saturday, November 15, 2008

Senior Night

GO TEAM!!! So last night was the last football game of my parents and my families H.S. career!! It was also Nana's senior night!! We played Valley High School and they had a total of 15 players!! Which means that we beat them 44 to 0!! It was FUN!! But not because we beat them!! Because we didn't watch one minute of the game!! We were watching Nana cheer and Mindy got caffine and lots of sugar in her which means that she was going CRAZY!! And I thought I was bad!! We took random pictures, yelled, did random things and everything you could think of!! It was a blast!! We also got to walk out with Nana before the game started as she got announced as a Senior Spirit leader!! After we went to McDonald's and took more crazy and random pictures!! I think our family should definitely have their own reality show or be put in some mental institution!! Nana got to do all her half time performances without music on the track!! So even if we missed a game we got to see the performance from it!! We are definitely a crazy bunch, but crazy people have the most fun!!


The Sorensen Bunch said...

Oh MY--I am not sure I am going to EVER say that I belong to you!! ha ha ha I LOVE seeing the pictures of Nana cheer--she looks so beautiful!!! I have not gotten to see any of her. Now for the rest of the family that is a different story. Mom and those nasty glasses and blanket need to get torched. Mindy needs serious help and is going to HELL. You look cute and the boys are clueless and follow along! But not gonna lie-we are psycho!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

BTEW- How the heck did I miss the biker party I am all about that!