Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

So I'm posting in yellow since that is my mom's favorite color, but that means you probably won't be able to read this!! Oh well!!
I'm not as good as my sister on actually posting the day things happen or the actual day of holidays, but I eventually post (maybe a month late) which is better than nothing. And to make my sister feel bad (since she is so much better than me at everything) the entire family was with her that day except her and 2 of my brothers. So take that Alicia.
It was actually a very nice day with most of the family attending my parent's ward. Then, the other children who didn't come to church with us, came over in the evening to have dinner and watch mom open presents. Then mom wanted to watch old family movies and we got really caught up in them and watched them till 11 pm. I don't know what it is about old movies, but I love to see the silly things you do as a child and to see a person grow up (especially if it is you or your family members). It brings back soo many great memories and smiles!! My mom and I are really the only ones in our family that like to do this, so we'll definitely have to have a date to do it!!
I love my mother more than words can express. She is the woman who gave me life and then taught me how to live it!!! She has been my best friend and confidant my entire life. When things take a turn for the worst, my mother's loving arms are the only thing that can comfort!! She has more patience than anyone I know (she has too since she has 9 kids)!!! She loves each of her children individually and knows what makes each one of them tick!! Although she's worked many times throughout her life, it has never taken her away from home and she has never let it!! I think she works harder at home than at her jobs though!! She has an endless supply of energy and enthusiasm!! She is organized to a T and fits more into a day than most people fit into a lifetime!! She makes everyone around her feel at ease and welcomed. She doesn't judge and cares deeply for others. She is the epitome of what I want to be when I become a mother!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!!

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