Sunday, April 06, 2008

Happy Birthday Memers!

A week after spring break and Easter was my older sister Mindy's birthday!! She turned 31!! Wow! I can't believe it!! She is the closest sister to me in age and closest in temprament and apparently we look a lot a like (people think we are twins)!! She is great though and I am glad that I live close enough to celebrate with her. She came to our house on her actual birthday night and we watched "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" and gave her a back rub, pedicure, and a hand massage. The next day I got together with her and her husband and a few of their friends and we went bowling and then out to BJ's for some dinner.
One of the girls got 3 Zeros in a row so I had to take a picture because the next one was a spare. She ended up in 2nd place!!
I didn't do that well bowling (didn't even break 100), but I won over all with 186 or something like that!! It was a fun night and good to be playing and getting away from life!

1 comment:

The Sorensen Bunch said...

Oh I see a wannacott in there! Check out the three red haired beauty gals! and that zero into a winner thing is FUnnY!