Sunday, April 06, 2008

General Conference Weekend

Gotta love it!! To hear talks given by general authorities, apostles of the Lord and the modern day Prophet!! How blessed we are to be born in these times and be able to hear all these wonderful men and women talk to us. They are truly inspired and have such a personal relationship with our Savior that you can't help but listen and want to change for the better right then and there!! I love these men and women and am soo happy I get to participate in these inspired meetings.

Along with these meetings come a fulfillment of my calling as activity co-chair in my ward. I plan and carry out activities once a month for about 150 young single adult members of my church in this area!! Talk about responsibility!! We were going to do an Easter picnic last week, but it got postponed due to inclement weather. So after the second session of general conference yesterday and before priesthood session (another way to get the men to come!! hehehe!!) we had our picnic at the church. We only had about 20 or 25 people show up, but everyone that came enjoyed the food and fun. We still had an easter egg hunt (although Easter was over 2 weeks ago) and everyone got really into it (including the bishopric)!! They had to find 235 eggs. The winner was David Peterson with 35!! It turned out well I thought and the Bishop wants to make it a yearly ordeal!! Hopefully next year I won't be here (married or moved or ANYTHING else)!!

The best part that everyone got a kick at was after the egg hunt. Some of the eggs had chocolate in them that melted. I had to collect the eggs because they belonged to someone on my committee's family. Well, anyone who knows me rather well knows that I made a goal to not eat chocolate this year (personal goal. It actually hasn't been that hard! I swear!!). Well, I cleaned out the eggs with my finger and then proceeded to lick off my finger. At first everyone just thought it was gross (because it looked gross) but when I proceeded to point out that it was just chocolate they all started to laugh and point and say "You ate chocolate!! You broke your goal!!" I couldn't believe it!! Total moment lapse of forgetfulness!! AAAAHHHH! Oh well. Luckily it was just a little bit and that is the beauty of making mistakes. You can learn from them and then not repeat them!!


The Sorensen Bunch said...

You could of gone and puked it back up and then you would still have perfect record?!! ha ha ha ha Checking out the boys for ya-how about red?

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