Monday, February 18, 2008

Candyland Craze

February brings valentine's day, my brother's b-day, my brother in law's b-day, president's day, Licoln's b-day, and CANDYLAND CRAZE time. I am my activities co-chair in my YSA ward and we decided to have a candyland dance for our activity this month. We had the dance with an awesome dj (that we miraculously got the night before), cute bright colored decorations, nacho bar, and candy games. We only had a total of like 60 people show up, but those who came had a blast. We did have a few that actually dressed up. We had a grandma nut, queen frostie, Mr. and Mrs. Mint, and gloppy's children. I of course danced like a wild woman and had a blast!! Chalk one up for the activities committee!!

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