Tuesday, February 19, 2008

An apple for the teacher

4 weeks of Jr. High School students can make you go crazy!!! I long term subbed for a teacher at my mom's middle school as she had knee surgery (it seems to be a common theme with people I know). I had subbed for her before so I knew most of the kids. That still doesn't mean they respected me all the time. They did write a petition to the principal asking that I be their teacher. Very flattering!! I have the letter in my notebook I take to jobs with me. I was stupid and didn't even bother to take a picture of all my classes. OOOPS!! The funnest part (yes I am a linguistics major and funnest is grammatically correct so don't argue with me) was the 2 hour lock down we had one day. Try keeping 23 students quite and on the floor with lights out for these hours. I've never had to have more students go to the bathroom than I did during those 2 hours. I was soo glad when it was done. I did get a few kids kicked out of class for behavior problems, but overall it was a good experience. The principal asked when I was getting credentialed. I think he wanted to offer me a job. Oh well. At least I have a future reference. My students also gave me lots of fun stuff for valentine's day!! I guess they do love me. Credentialing here I come!!!


The Sorensen Bunch said...

YOU DID IT!! You changed your font to CUTE!!! Rock on pee your pants class!

Fauna said...

Sounds like fun. I loved subbing and hope to become a full-time teacher in the future. Just so you know, I was in Sacramento to see my Grandpa who is in an Assisted Living facility there. His health has really gone downhill in the past year. Anyhow, that was why I was out there.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Look please here

Unknown said...

Your fonts are the second most-annoying ever next to Alicias who uses capitols LiKe ThIs AnD It Is AnNoYiNg. You just have horrendous colors.