Wednesday, October 01, 2008

LIFE (or something like that)!!

The regional YSA group here decided to have an activity where we got to play a real life version of the board game LIFE!! I have to admit that it was a blast!! You started off at the MTC where you wrote a letter to a soldier in Iraq. Then you had to answer questions to see how much in debt you'd be for going to college. You went to college (mad libs) and then graduated and got a job (roll of the dice. I was an accountant. Go figure). Then you went to a bachelor or bachelorette party (where you made your bridal veil or tie and the girls got a ring pop ring). Then you got married. You didn't know before who were going to end up with, you just walked out a door and there he was. I luckily go paired with one of the goofiest guys in my ward named Gordo!! We had a blast!! We got married in Australia. Then we went to have kids. We rolled 6. Then flipped a coin to get 4 boys and 2 girls. We got to decorate paper cups and name them. All our kids had names of tv stars (shaun, sam, i can't remember the other two boys, ugly betty and veronica mars). Then you went and built a house. Then you got a calling. Then off to Lehi's dream, work out room (where you took your kids for a stroll), five year anniversary room, date room, and family home evening room (we played a version of jenga where you had to ask a certain question i you pulled a certain block). Then to the end. All the while you are making stops and getting paid and also receiving blessings. It was soo much fun!! Definite fun date idea of activity!! Ask me if you want more details!!


Teresa said...

I tagged you. See my blog for details. BTW: that activity looks WAY fun!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

Sounds hilario!! I may be calling you for ideas---glad you got a fun gorod man!