Monday, February 26, 2007

Planes, Automobiles, and NEPHEWS!!

So I have to post this one in orange since yellow it too light, but that is the main color of Arizona, where I just spent the last 2 weeks. Okay, so maybe it is brown. It is just dry and dirt colored if that helps. But I still had a blast playing with my 3 little nephews, Colton, Sterling, and Ryland, and seeing my new niece Dacie. I also had a chance to catch up with my brother and sister-in-law for a couple of days as well as they came out from Burbank CA to visit with their 2 boys Kayden and Boston. So my life was full of little boys this last week. But they are so cute I could never get enough of them!! It made for many hours of lost sleep, learning the songs to Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, The Wonderpets, The Backyardigans, and Blues Clues, dealing with soaking wet kids from going "swimming" in their clothes in the local river, changing poopy diapers, wiping poopy bottoms. eating cereal and peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches everyday, reading children's stories I haven't read since I was a kid, playing hide and seek, guess the object, and charades, and time outs. But I did manage to fit in trips to Sedona with family, late night movies, going to girls game night with my sister, shopping at the local and AWESOME WalMart, and living the holiday of Valentine's Day through a child's eye. It was great to be away from home for a little while and spend time with them. Ryland even got in to the habit of calling me mom at the end there. So to my Sweet Baboo's, I LOVE YOU!!!

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